Be the Alternative

"Do not wait for a coronation; the greatest emperors crown themselves" ~ Robert Greene Positioning is a strategic game of creating a distinct identity in the mind of market. It requires drawing clear and polarizing lines in the sand that define your brand's unique value proposition. These…

Form the "Against" Position

Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will ~ Sun Tzu Positioning is not an absolute, but rather a relative concept. A brand's positioning cannot be considered in isolation, but rather in relation to its competitors in the market. To…

Do it Missionary

Power is the pivot on which everything hinges. He who has the power is always right; the weaker is always wrong ~ Machiavelli There exists a class of brands that differentiate themselves solely through the strategic principle of cultivating a cult of personality. These brands possess a deep-seated sense of mission,…

Bundle and Breakaway

In the world of marketing, attention is the ultimate currency. Brands must capture the attention of their target audience, and sometimes that means figuring out where the industry's attention is focused at the moment and how to grab it. But let's be honest, some brands don&…


Does the brand fu*k?!? Brand marketers are faced with a perplexing question: how do we break through the noise and capture people's attention?   One such strategy that has proven to be powerful is harnessing the emotional trigger of 'rizz.' This elusive quality, often described as…

Positions polarize

"Love me or hate me, but whatever you do – just don't like me" Every strong and focused brand, just like every strong and focused person, creates a love-hate dynamic. In fact, the better you are at creating a strong, clear brand position, the more likely you…

Tag-lines ≠ Positioning Statements

Taglines are not the same as positioning statements. A tagline is a short, catchy phrase that summarizes the brand's message and creates a memorable impression in the minds of users and developers. The main goal of a tagline is to create brand recognition and differentiate the brand from…

Walk Headless

Brands can come in two forms, with or without a head. A head-brand has a human being at the forefront, serving as the charismatic leader of the organization or group. These figures become synonymous with the brand they represent, such as Elon Musk at Tesla and SpaceX, Richard Branson at…